Don’t Cut Your Own Bangs Ep. 46
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In today’s solocast I explore how a 3yr old Facebook memory helped me access joy and appreciation for myself.
May 14th, 2017 I graduated with my masters degree. May 15th, 2017 I started my first day of work as a therapist in private practice. I remember seeing that memory and feeling all at once –
“Oh my God. It’s only been 3yrs?”
And also –
“Oh my God. It’s ONLY been 3yrs!”
I started thinking about joy. More specifically, what limits joy?
When we want something in our lives so deeply, it can become difficult to hold space for both the desire of a dream coming true and the distance between where we are now and where we want to be.
This can look like:
- Wanting a meaningful career
- Wanting a healthy relationship
- Wanting to start a family
Disappointment, frustration, loneliness, and grief can feel like waves crashing onto shore that wash you out to sea.
What if the absence of joy is cursing the waves, and joy itself is the recognition of learning to ride them?
Here’s the link to a podcast I reference being interviewed on -> Career Foresight: Future of work for creative professionals.
I also reference a miscarriage I experienced last year. Not wanting to detail the experience in this episode, I’ve linked it for you -> A Miscarriage: Shock, loss, grief, and learning.