Episode 100 of Don’t Cut Your Bangs is here!
What. In. The. World. How did this happen? What a wonderful wonderful (written 2x for emphasis) thing to write and say.
In this week’s episode, I enlisted the help of a friend, Juanita Molano Para. She’s a former guest turned temporary host that took me down memory lane, and together we explored the following:

- What does celebration mean?
- Why I had such a hard time figuring out how I wanted to celebrate reaching the 100th episode. Hint – celebration of accomplishments is vulnerable, sweaty, and kind of uncomfortable. And, because I didn’t know how I wanted to do it – I didn’t want to do it at all.
- How I have changed over the course of making this podcast, and how it’s evolved since episode 1.
- How experiencing comparison can pop up when you least expect it, and why chasing the feeling of “being enough” will always leave you feeling strung-out, unstable and sleepy.
For this episode, I want to offer my thanks to Juanita for her kindness and generosity.
For the last 99, I want to say a BIG thank you to every guest, supporter and all who have listened.
Referenced in the episode:
- Grab a copy of the Treasured Journal HERE
- Follow Juanita on Instagram HERE
You can also listen to the podcast on iTunes & Spotify.