New solocast: ep. 81 on Don’t cut your own bangs

Have you felt the pangs of jealousy lately? If so, be easy on yourself.
Jealousy is often seen as a negative emotion. And let’s be honest, it doesn’t feel that great when we experience it.
BUT, getting curious about what jealousy might be telling you could unlock some powerful insights and prevent you from going down the rabbit holes of:
Here’s 3 things it might be telling you.
✨There’s something here I want for myself.
✨I need more of this in my life.
✨I’m really ready to make this change.
This is a normal experience for many of us, and when it comes to getting clear about we want -> jealousy can be a powerful compass.
What does it look like if we approach our jealousy with a little compassionate curiosity? In my experience, jealousy is calling our attention to deeper desire that we may not be fully aware we have.
To listen to the episode, click HERE or on one of the links below.
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