Navigating self-doubt & knowing what you want I was interviewed on a podcast recently about self-doubt. More specifically, what hacks and tips did I recommend to held people navigate self-doubt. On the one hand, I love being on podcasts – so naturally, I wanted to say yes. BUT hacks? Tips? That stumped me. How can […]
Trust can be a challenging topic to talk about, especially when it’s been broken. Whether we’re talking about a romantic love, a coworker, our bodies, or our government there’s one relationship that connects them all the one between you and you. You are the thread that connects all of the components of your […]
How do you trust your gut?… …in the face of: Self-doubt Uncertainty Nervousness The answer -> Compassionate curiosity. When we feel fear and hesitate that’s EXACTLY the moment to sit, be still, and get curious. When we feel that pang of fear, it’s so natural to want to jump away, avoid the topic, or […]
My change process I had an emotional moment this past Saturday. I made a thing (The Free Unleashing You Workshop) and was 90 minutes away from sharing this with people. ACTUAL people, with eyes, and hearts, and minds, and opinions, and everything! I had a plan set for how I was going to “show up […]
What does money mean to you? Stay with me here. There’s what money literally is – paper, coins, plastic cards, numbers in an account – Then there’s what is represents. Especially around the holiday season, money means A LOT. Whether we’re talking about winning the lottery or CC debt
exploring your emotional relationship […]
Let’s talk about Mindfulness Which would you prefer? 1. A mind that’s full of what’s happening in the moment and what lights you up inside. 2. A mind fixated what happened yesterday or worrying about a 5yr plan. As a planner/recovering perfectionist, this can be a SUPER HARD choice for me! But here’s […]
and how it can unlock deep healing Identifying our needs helps us do 2 VERY important things: Helps us make choices that are affirmative vs responses that are reactive Helps us identify, articulate, and maintain healthy boundaries The other thing I love about focusing on needs is how solution focused the conversation becomes. When […]
How identifying our values can reduce stress, offer clarity, and empower decision making. Our values are the connective thread for all of our choices. If communication is like a dance, then our values are the rhythm of the beat. But, what does it mean if we don’t know what they are? Chances are, if you […]
Today we’re talking about connection – the heartbeat of communication. Let’s talk about Connection. Over the last couple weeks I’ve noticed a trend in my sessions with clients people are feeling more anxious, tired, and isolated than ever. So, why talk about connection? Connection is the heartbeat of relationships, and coming out of […]
It’s Communication Challenge Time!!! For the next 2 weeks my goal is to take the challenge OUT of communication for you. There’s nothing worse than walking into an important conversation and (record scratch) your mind goes blank, finding yourself feeling sweaty & panicky before a big meeting, or rehearsing conversations you want to have in […]
I’ve noticed a theme in the last couple weeks. We are tired, really tired. Working from home, full-time parenting, working overtime – it’s a lot! We’re mentally, physically, and emotionally strained. I feel it too, and now more than ever we need an energy boost. When you need to recharge – try these 3 steps. […]
and 3 little lies we tell ourselves that become big problems later on When I’m working with clients on reducing stress and anxiety, I like to begin exploring the little lies we tell ourselves that can become bigger problems over time. The Big 3 “I’m fine.” “It’s ok.” Laughing… at jokes that aren’t […]
It slows down the hamster wheel Meditation slows down the hamster wheel– Once my phone became my alarm clock, it became harder and harder to not check emails, texts, or social media as soon as my eyes opened in the morning. When my phone sets the emotional tone of my morning, I start to feel […]
Meditation & community Have you ever been so stressed that you didn’t realize there was a problem until you took a deep breath and felt a tingling sensation throughout your body? This is usually what happens: We experience or witness a stressful event We feel tense, anxious, or overwhelmed Our breathing becomes shallow […]
Getting clear on boundaries and why they’re confusing. There are so many interpretations of what boundaries are, what they mean, and how to communicate them. When working with clients, this is my favorite way to break them down: Step 1 – Identify how you feel or what you need. Step 2 – Then, hold yourself […]
Friends, I want to encourage you to take a breath and find as many ways to take care of yourself as you reasonably can. Today, we’re talking about Self-Care. Collectively as a country, we’re experiencing massive amounts of anxiety, overwhelm, and grief. This is hard – really hard. Going into my 3rd week of virtual […]
Probably not… Let’s talk self-care. More importantly – is self-care really self-care if it’s stressful? When you’re clear about what serves you, you don’t have to buy what everyone (experts, gurus, celebrities, influencers, etc.) else is selling. Sounds simple in theory, but I have weekly conversations with clients about self-care. Here are some common questions: […]
Then you probably need a break. Did you know that your body doesn’t know the difference between good stress, like exercise or working on a project you love & bad stress, like feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or sacrificing sleep? One of the best ways to know how you’re managing your stress levels is checking in with […]
Repost. Have you ever caught yourself binging a TV show and noticed the crum-covered blanket crater you’ve created on your couch? Or have you ever told yourself before turning on the TV, “I’ll just watch one or two episodes”? Before you know it, hours have gone by, you’ve finished Downton Abbey, AND it’s dark outside […]
I’m getting oversaturated with advice. Specifically, advice that’s telling me something to do without giving me the context. I want the bullet points and hot takes for sure. But what helps me trust the advice is feeling connected to the other person’s story, seeing my own struggle reflected back to me. This is big part […]
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