Hello again!
Kids are back in school, pumpkin spice is back on the menu, I’m back to work and have a brand new baby. Wow! A lot has happened in the last few months (ha!) I’ve missed connecting with you and look forward to getting back into the swing of things.
If you’re an active client, my calendar link has all of my current availability listed. If you don’t see a time you’re looking for, hang tight! I have some additional resources that could be just what you need.

Don’t Cut Your Own Bangs
Mark you calendar – October 4th 2021 – the podcast is back!
It feels like it’s been so long. Making a human, going on maternity leave, and doing life with this new little person has been an adjustment (to say the least). Since March 29th, 2021 (the date episode 87 was released) a lot has changed, but one thing has stayed the same – I love this podcast and couldn’t freaking wait to get back to making it… Okay! That was really two things, but you knew what I meant.
Life is messy and wonderful. All I want to devote my precious (and limited) time to is learning how to make it even more wonderful. So, how do we do that? Talk about it. All the things. The messy, confusing, scary, wonderful, hopeful things. Sharing stories, sharing experiences, learning from each other, making a million mistakes and laughing along the way.
Working as a therapist, being in my own therapy, and listening to women (men and couples) share their hearts with me has put me in a unique position where I’m taking a lot of information in. This podcast is a special container where I get to pour some of that information out. Together, I truly believe we can create joy, connection, and community. Who doesn’t need more of that?
If you have questions, comments, or ideas for future episodes, let me hear from you! The best things in life are shared.
If you need additional support, and don’t know where to start, I have some resources linked for you below.
Thank you for being here, and I can’t wait to continue the conversation with you.
Ways to connect with me on social:
Resources just for you:
If you’re a current client and would like to be added to my waitlist, feel free to contact me directly – da******@da*************.com.